
If you are feeding your baby Kendamil Stage 1 and are considering switching to Stage 2, this article is for you.

We will analyze the ingredients and nutritional compositions of both formula to give you the information you need so you can make an informed decision.

Let’s get after it!

*Related read: Kendamil stage 2 vs stage 3

Our Short Answer

After analyzing Kendamil Stages 1 and 2, the conclusion is that they are nearly identical nutritionally speaking, with very slight differences in protein, iron, and some other vitamins – almost unnoticeable.

In general, follow-on formulas have a much higher amount of iron than stage 1 formulas, but this is not the case with Kendamil.

So to the question: Do you need to switch to Stage 2?

From our experience, there is no need to offer Kendamil Stage 2 if you start introducing solids from 6 months, whether it is through the BLW method or purees. However, if you plan to continue offering only formula (which we do not recommend), then switching to Stage 2 will be beneficial for your baby.

Our Pick for Best Formula Ever
Kendamil Organic

Kendamil Organic offers a wholesome start to life.

  • Human Milk Oligosaccharides (HMOs) and MFGM (Milk Fat Globule Membrane)
  • EU-Certified Organic Milk
  • Whole Cream Milk = Less Vegetable Oils
  • Vegetarian-Friendly
  • Nutrient-Rich
  • Allergen-Free
  • Ethically Sourced
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Why Is Kendamil One of the Best Formulas Available?

Kendamil is a top-quality British formula brand known for its organic ingredients, safe milk sources, absence of artificial substances, and plant-based Omega 3 fatty acids.

Kendamil is a highly regarded British formula brand, known for its top-quality ingredients, prestigious awards, and even a rumored connection to the British royal family. With its focus on organic ingredients, whole milk from safe sources, and the absence of artificial substances, it’s no wonder that many parents choose Kendamil for their little ones.

Here’s a quick summary of why Kendamil stands out:

  • Whole milk from safe sources: European organic farming prioritizes quality, and the milk used in Kendamil formulas comes from cows fed exclusively on bio-quality grass.
  • Organic ingredients: Kendamil’s ingredients are all organic, and its certification comes from the European authorities, which have stricter standards than their American counterparts.
  • GMO-free, palm oil-free, and soy-free: Kendamil formulas are free from genetically modified ingredients, palm oil, and soy, making them a cleaner and more environmentally friendly choice.
  • Plant-based Omega 3 fatty acids: Instead of animal-based sources like fish oil, Kendamil uses plant-based sources for its Omega 3 fatty acids, which are essential for brain development.
  • No added sugar: Kendamil uses whole milk, which naturally contains enough lactose to make the formula taste mildly sweet and creamy without adding sugars.
  • Pleasant taste and smell: Kendamil has a natural, mildly sweet taste, a milky smell, and a creamy consistency that appeals to babies and parents.
  • Goat milk alternative available: Kendamil also offers a range of goat milk-based formulas, which are easier to digest and less allergenic.

Kendamil Stage 1

Kendamil Stage 1 formula is an organic, vegetarian option for newborns and infants up to 6 months old.

Key Features

  • British brand, made in the Lake District
  • Whole milk is the primary ingredient and source of fat
  • No palm oil
  • Plant-based DHA sourced from marine algae
  • Certified vegetarian
  • Organic, certified by the Soil Association
  • Contains galactooligosaccharides (GOS) for fiber

Ideal for

  • Newborns and infants up to 6 months of age
  • Vegetarian families
  • Parents concerned about environmental impact
  • Those seeking a high-quality organic baby formula

Kendamil Stage 1 formula is specifically designed for newborns and infants up to 6 months old. This stage provides all the essential nutrients and vitamins for healthy growth and development during the crucial first months of life.

The key features of Kendamil Stage 1 include its organic whole milk base, plant-based DHA from marine algae, and the absence of palm oil.

Additionally, it is certified vegetarian and organic, making it an excellent choice for families with specific dietary preferences or environmental concerns.

Kendamil Stage 2

Kendamil Stage 2 formula is an organic, vegetarian option for infants 6 months and older. It has a slightly higher protein content to support their growing nutritional needs.

Key Features (Same as Stage 1)

  • British brand, made in the Lake District
  • Whole milk is the primary ingredient and source of fat
  • No palm oil
  • Plant-based DHA sourced from marine algae
  • Certified vegetarian
  • Organic, certified by the Soil Association
  • Contains galactooligosaccharides (GOS) for fiber

Ideal for

  • Infants aged 6 months and older
  • Vegetarian families
  • Parents concerned about environmental impact
  • Those seeking a high-quality organic baby formula

Kendamil Stage 2 is designed for infants aged 6 months and older. This stage offers a slightly higher protein content to support the increased nutritional needs of a growing baby while still providing all the essential nutrients and vitamins needed for healthy development.

Like Stage 1, Kendamil Stage 2 is made with organic whole milk, contains plant-based DHA from marine algae, and is free from palm oil. It is also certified vegetarian and organic, making it suitable for families with specific dietary preferences or environmental concerns.

Comparison: Stage 1 vs Stage 2

Kendamil Stage 1 and Stage 2 have minimal differences in nutrient content per 100 ml.

Stage 2 has slightly higher protein, iron, and calcium to support the growing nutritional needs of infants 6 months and older.

Switching to a follow-on formula is unnecessary if you start solids at 6 months.

Nutrient content differences

Here’s a table comparing the nutritional facts of Kendamil Stage 1 and Stage 2 per 100 ml:

NutrientStage 1Stage 2
Energy (kcal)6666
Fat (g)3.53.5
Saturates (g)1.31.3
Unsaturates (g)2.32.2
Omega 3 (mg)55.555.5
DHA (mg)16.116.1
Omega 6 (mg)582582
Carbohydrates (g)77
Sugars* (g)6.76.7
Lactose (g)6.56.5
Fiber (g)0.230.23
Protein (g)1.41.5
Vitamin A (mcg-RE)5050
Vitamin D3 (mcg)1.31.3
Vitamin E (mg-α-TE)1.41.4
Vitamin C (mg)99
Iron (mg)0.70.8
Zinc (mg)0.50.54
Calcium (mg)45.246

As seen in the table, there are minimal differences between Kendamil Stage 1 and Stage 2 regarding nutrient content.

The most notable differences are in protein, iron, and calcium content, with Stage 2 having slightly higher amounts to accommodate the growing nutritional needs of infants 6 months and older.

This means that if you start solids at 6 months, whether it is purees or Baby-Led Weaning, there is no need to swap to a follow-on formula. You can easily and safely keep offering Stage 1 formula.

Best Place to Buy Kendamil Formula

If you live in the US, you can find Kendamil Formula at Target and Walmart, since it has been approved by the FDA and it is legally sold in US stores.

If you want to purchase it online however, we recommend you the following stores:

Our Top Formula Brand
Kendamil Classic

Kendamil Classic uses a premium blend that mirrors breast milk.

  • Whole Milk Base
  • DHA & ARA from Marine Algae
  • Prebiotic Blend
  • UK Red Tractor-certified farms
  • No palm oil, corn syrups or maltodextrin
  • Vegetarian Friendly

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Our Pick for Best Formula Ever
Kendamil Organic

Kendamil Organic offers a wholesome start to life.

  • Human Milk Oligosaccharides (HMOs) and MFGM (Milk Fat Globule Membrane)
  • EU-Certified Organic Milk
  • Whole Cream Milk = Less Vegetable Oils
  • Vegetarian-Friendly
  • Nutrient-Rich
  • Allergen-Free
  • Ethically Sourced
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What are the best alternatives to Kendamil?

While Kendamil is a popular choice for baby formula, we always recommend parents to learn about other brands just in case you need to switch at some point.

Here are the ones we usually recommend for most babies:

Holle: A German brand that offers organic baby formula made from cow’s or goat’s milk, with the most natural ingredients we have seen thanks to their Demeter-Certification, simple and to the point. *Holle vs Kendamil

HiPP: Another German brand, HiPP is known for its organic and eco-friendly products, using only high-quality ingredients and a careful manufacturing process, with a powerful blend of prebiotics and probiotics and high digestibility. *Read: Kendamil or Hipp

Bobby: Bobby’s infant formula is made with grass-fed cow’s milk and includes prebiotics, probiotics, and DHA to support your baby’s development. It is based in the US, and famous for its simplicity. *Read: Bobbie vs Kendamil

Lebenswert: As part of the Holle family, Lebenswert also focuses on organic ingredients and sustainable production, providing a formula that is gentle on your baby’s stomach. *Read: Lebenswert vs Kendamil

Last Words

In our personal opinion, as mentioned earlier, there is no real need to switch to Stage 2 formula if you are already offering solid foods to your baby.

The nutritional differences between Kendamil Stage 1 and Stage 2 are minimal, and if Stage 2 is more expensive, there is no reason to make the change.

We hope this comparison has helped you solve all your doubts. If you still have questions, comment or contact us at

Happy feeding!

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